Angelina Jolie Mutilates Herself…Again

Jolie Knife

In a New York Times op-ed explaining her decision to have both of her breasts surgically removed even though she doesn’t have breast cancer, Angelina Jolie cited risk numbers as key to her decision. She said that doctors told her she had an “87% risk of breast cancer.” Her solution? Undergo three months of surgical procedures and have her breasts cut out.

Problem solved, right? With her breasts removed, she says her risk of breast cancer is now reduced to a mere 5 percent. The same bizarre logic can also be applied to men who cut off their testicles to “prevent testicular cancer” or people who cut out their colons to “prevent colorectal cancer.”

The sad truth is this is just an expensive act of self harm. Self-harm is often associated with a history of trauma and abuse, including sexual abuse and incest, usually in secret. Victims of sexual abuse and incest use self-harm to cope with difficult or painful feelings, but it is only a temporary relief, not a healthy way to deal with the trauma of sexual assault.

Angelina Jolie cuts herself on the upper inner thigh, where nobody will look. Cutting herself with razor blades, or burning herself with matches, becomes compulsive, almost addictive for her.

The media is thoroughly taken with this heroic of act of self harm. I’ve rarely seen them so delirious.

Demi Lovato Cutting Herself

Demi Lovato Cutting Herself

Q: Why Do People Self-Injure?

A: This problem is not completely understood by health care professionals or psychologists. It seems to be most common among people who have been sexually abused as children, molested as children, or by survivors of incest.

Evidence of her abuse/programming comes from her wrist-cutting, appropriately seen at Miley Cyrus’ Sweet 16 in Disneyland (click name for more on her + I’ve got a lot to cover in a post coming up on her obviously), who is of course Monarch Disney Slave numero uno (by far the most blatant; like Demi she is also the product of Country Music Monarch genes [her father Billy Ray, see Miley Cyrus link]). In Barney her character was called ‘Angela’, Angelina Jolie also self-harmed (symptom of the sexual abuse from her pedophile father Jon Voight) and Drew Barrymore (just recently covered); I think it is likely that many of these Hollywood and Disney stars “self-harm” because they do not remember just how severe/traumatic the abuse they suffered as children really was (at the hands of their parents, often this abuse is sexual/incestuous), so in losing ‘parts’ of their self (dissociated memories; and the extreme of splits in the mind that can be programmed with great care to be specific types of alter-personalities), this self-harming is probably a way of ‘feeling’ what they lost in these traumatic dissociative periods (their subconscious trying to remind them of/make them remember the trauma they’ve forgotten [dissociated parts of their mind/whole identity] by causing them to traumatize themselves).

Was Michael Jackson Molested By His Father?

Joe Jackson


Yes, the family talked about it on a talk show


Yes, I saw the show with his family talking about how their father would whore him out to strangers. For the people who flat out say no he wasn’t molested how do you know.