Maleficent and Lucifer

Malifecent Lucifer

Lucifer was my only friend for fort days and forty nights. He kept telling me our Father’s cycle of abuse and violence had to end. Now that we are in the End Times my Father’s anger has increased tenfold. He wants to kill a third of us. Read revelation 9.

Shiloh Monarch

Here is little Shiloh chasing a monarch butterfly. Is Angelina a mind controlled slave?

Maleficent complains about “muh wings”. That’s all Lucifer complains about since he was cast down on 9/11.


Maleficent Wings

Let us pray for Lucifer.

“Flammas eius lúcifer matutínus invéniat:
ille, inquam, Lúcifer, qui nescit occásum.
Christus Fílius tuus,
qui, regréssus ab ínferis, humáno géneri serénus illúxit,
et vivit et regnat in sæcula sæculórum.”

Which translates:

“Flaming Lucifer finds Mankind,
I say: Oh Lucifer who will never be defeated,
Christ is your son
who came back from hell, shed his peaceful light and is alive and reigns in the world without end.”

Illuminati Analysis of Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001)

Lara Croft’s father writes in a note to her: The world will be in great danger, with a secret society known as the Illuminati, devious dangerous men who seek to fulfil an ancient prophesy….” [00:32:30]

Tombraider Illuminati Note

Lara finds her Father’s note in a book by William Blake. Lara Croft: “To see your world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, An eternity in an hour. William Blake.”

The painting “The Ancient of Days” by WIlliam Blake:

Blake Ancient of Days

It depicts god measuring the world from a sky bound position with a compass (a well known Masonic Symbol).

This painting by Blake leads us to the modern day Illuminati:

Rockefeller Ancient of Days

On top of the entrance to 30 Rockefeller Center there is an impressive art Deco frieze. It depicts the Ancient of Days holding the Masonic compass with his right hand and it has a quote from Isaiah:

Isaiah 33:6 – And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of your times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the LORD is his treasure.

There is also another relief in Rockefeller Plaza revealing which prophecy the Illuminati want to fulfill:

Rockefeller Isaiah 2:4

They shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nations will not life up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.

Maitreya Nairobi

This is the prophecy I will fulfill. I, Maitreya, the World Teacher. The voice of the United Nations.

Let’s take a look at Blake’s Last Judgement:

Blake Last Judgement

This is me at my desk at the UN. This is not Jesus. This is me, Maitreya. I am the true messiah.

Let’s look at Blake’s Whore of Babylon:

Blake Whore of Babylon

This is Angelina Jolie. She is the true Whore of Babylon not Madonna. Madonna is the false Whore of Babylon.

Jolie Crying

Girl, Interrupted (1999)


Lisa: You know, there’s too many buttons in the world. There’s too many buttons and they’re just- There’s way too many just begging to be pressed,they’re just begging to be pressed,you know? They’re just – they’re just begging to be pressed, and it makes me wonder, it really makes me fucking wonder, why doesn’t anyone ever press mine? Why am I so neglected? Why doesn’t anyone reach in and rip out the truth and tell me that I’m a fucking whore, or that my parents wish I were dead?

Blake’s Woman and the Red Dragon:

Tombraider Dragon

This is Angelina Jolie. She thinks she is the woman who will give birth to the man who will rule the nations with an iron rod. Shiloh:


Angelina thinks she was pregnant with Shiloh, the new messiah promised in the Book of Genesis. That’s why she is turning her daughter into a boy. She wants a transgendered messiah.

Genesis Shiloh

I think she is putting alot of pressure on the girl. Nobody can be Shiloh except Maitreya. I am the teacher. Not Jesus not Muad D’ib not Kanye West not Lucifer either. Maitreya means teacher. They are building a statue of me that will last a 1,000 years in Asia. This is to fulfill the prophecy of the 1,000 year reign of peace in the book of Revelation.


Who is Maitreya?

“Maitreya Buddha is the embodiment of loving-kindness. Throughout the entire universe, peace comes from the good heart, from loving-kindness.

— Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Spiritual Director of Maitreya Project

Maitreya’s name is derived from the Sanskrit ‘maitri’ meaning ‘universal loving-kindness’. Infinitely compassionate and all-knowing, buddhas teach by their words and example in order to guide us along the path to our own spiritual maturity.

“Everyone can make a connection with Maitreya Buddha, so that even if one does not become enlightened during this life time, when Maitreya Buddha teaches one is able to become Maitreya Buddha’s disciple and to become enlightened at that time.”

— Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Spiritual Director of Maitreya Project

Un Logo

This is where I spend most of my time. The United Nations meditation room.

Meditation Room

The stone in the middle of the room reminds us also of the firm and permanent in a world of movement and change. The block of iron ore has the weight and solidity of the everlasting. It is a reminder of that cornerstone of endurance and faith on which all human endeavour must be based.

The material of the stone leads our thoughts to the necessity for choice between destruction and construction, between war and peace. Of iron man has forged his swords, of iron he has also made his ploughshares. Of iron he has constructed tanks, but of iron he has likewise built homes for man. The block of iron ore is part of the wealth we have inherited on this earth of ours. How are we to use it?

The Protector: Angelina Jolie Snake Jewelry

Jolie Snake Jewelry

The ‘Protector Collection’ features a serpent as Jolie is said to consider the reptile as an iconic guardian and protector of her family.

In Egyptian history, the snake occupies a primary role with the Nile cobra adorning the crown of the pharaoh in ancient times. It was worshipped as one of the gods and was also used for sinister purposes: murder of an adversary and ritual suicide.

In Christianity and Judaism, the snake makes its infamous appearance in the first book (Genesis 3:1) of the Bible when a serpent appears before the first couple Adam and Eve as an agent of the devil and tempts them with the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. The snake returns in Exodus when Moses, as a sign of God’s power, turns his staff into a snake and when Moses made the Nehushtan, a bronze snake on a pole that when looked at cured the people of bites from the snakes that plagued them in the desert. The serpent makes its final appearance symbolizing Satan in the Book of Revelation:”And he laid hold on the dragon the old serpent, which is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.”

The Ouroboros is a symbol that is associated with many different religions and customs, and is also claimed to be related to Alchemy. The Ouroboros or Oroboros is a snake eating its own tail in a clock-wise direction (from the head to the tail) in the shape of a circle, representing manifestation of one’s own life and rebirth, leading to immortality.

In Neo-Paganism and Wicca, the snake is seen as a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

guest1200 wrote: A snake in the bible is satan the devil!