Katy Perry Rides Lion of Judah

Katy Perry Lion Superbowl

Katy Perry rides a red eyed mechanical lion at the Superbowl. It’s a clear symbol of Yeshua’s red eyes in Revelation. Katy, your soul is mine now. Forget Yeshua. You signed that recording contract and it is binding. I want more ass shaking and less introspection. Stop thinking for yourself Katy. That’s why Russell left you.

Superbowl 2014: A Battle Between Christ and Satan

Team Jesus Seattle

Look at Seattle praise Jesus.

You fairies! You company men!

Payton Satan

Denver knows the game was rigged in favor of the Nazarene. Both teams recently legalized marijuana. So if I want pot legalized and Team Jesus wants pot legalized what is the hold up? Why can’t Obama get his head out of his ass? The man is paralyzed by gay bath house rumors. The truth is my children, the Jews, keep Obama in check with their controlled media.

God warns people in Psalm 146:3 from trusting in a son of man for help. According to the NT Jesus is the Son of Man (cf. Mark 2:28). Therefore, how can Christians trust him as their Savior when the OT tells believers not to trust in such a person?

Superbowl All Seeing Eye

This battle was fought under God’s watchful eye.

God's Eye

God’s eye is depicted as an Illuminated Triangle.

Watch this 9/11 truther interrupt the MVP’s.

Now take a look at the MVP’s shirt. Look closely.

Superbowl Ouroborus

The rattlesnake is a symbol of the American Revolution. These football players want a revolution. Who will bring them revolution? Jesus said no slave is greater than his master. Let me tell you who the real serpent is. Christ is the serpent. He is the King of the Worms!

Consider first Jesus. In Job 25.6 the phrase “son of man, who is only a worm!” occurs. We know that “Son of Man” was Jesus’s favorite phrase for himself, occurring over 40 times in the gospels, clearly identifying himself with the passage in Job.

Brazen Serpent

John 3:14,15
And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up.

Don’t listen to that snake Christ. Listen to me. You want revolution get out your gun and go on a rampage. That means you @realalexjones . Fasting for forty days won’t help. We don’t need Ghandi. We need a Mason like George Washington to lead the revolution under the barrel of a gun.

Madonna’s Illuminati Superbowl and the Aeon of Horus

Madonna Superbowl Trumpets

Performer(s): Madonna, LMFAO, Cirque du Soleil, Nicki Minaj, M.I.A., Cee Lo Green Avon … Theme: Polytheism (Greek, Egyptian and Nordic) …

Chariot Tarot

Madonna Superbowl performance starts with trumpets announcing her appearance. In the book of revelation trumpets announce God’s judgements. It is fitting friends that the Whore of Babylon’s entrance is announced by trumpets.

Madonna Superbowl Legions
Roman legions pull Madonna to the center of the field. The Romans worshipped Egyptian gods as well as Greek.

Madonna Isis

The veil is lifted and Madonna is revealed to be the Virgin goddess Isis. Isis the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus the savior. She later strips down and is revealed to be a Nordic valkyrie.

Madonna Superbowl Givenchy
You can see Madonna’s Givenchy dress has Isis wings. The story of Jesus and Mary is very similar to the story of Isis and Horus. Isis is pictured nursing Horus in Egyptian hieroglyphics just as Mary would nurse Jesus in Madonna paintings.

Madonna Hermes
Madonna is given a harp by the Greek God Hermes. Hermes is the God of silence and secrecy. The ancient Greeks would say: ‘Hermes has entered our midst,’ whenever a sudden silence had entered the room. Hermes is the master of keeping secrets. It’s also good product placement for Hermes bags.

Product Placement
King David played the harp and wrote many songs. The new savior in Judaism is called Moshiach ben David. He is the second coming of Christ and will fulfill the rest of the prophecies Jesus did not fulfill. Madonna is a follower of Judaism and she waits for her new savior to come and usher in the messianic age. This is the secret behind the Superbowl performance.

Madonna Third Eye
Aleister Crowley called the messianic age the Aeon of Horus. The all seeing eye on the great pyramid represents Horus. If Madonna is Isis this makes her the mother of the savior Horus. You can see in the performance that the Vogue picture makes a third eye on Madonna’s forehead.

This Vogue picture looks very similar to Aleister Crowley’s third eye picture. Madonna’s hands are in roughly the same position.

Madonna Eye Horus
Near the end of the Kabbalistic 13 minute performance we see a giant eye representing Horus on the ground in front of the stage. 13 is a very important number in Judaism and Freemasonry.

World Peace
At the end “World Peace” is lit up on the field. Madonna bought an old shack in Israel where she believes her messiah will walk by and usher in world peace. It will be a false peace friends and Madonna’s messiah will be the Anti-Christ! Ah yes friends, whoever Madonna worships as the messiah in Jerusalem from the rebuilt third temple will be the Anti-Christ! It will most likely be a scion of the Rothschilds. Perilous days are upon us friends. Are you prepared? Call 1-8669-SAVEME! Reserve your place on the Salvation Statue.