Exodus to Paradise Island

Jill Lepore — ‘Wonder Woman left Paradise Island to fight fascism with feminism.’

“So long as life remains, there is always hope… and so long as there is hope, there can be victory!” Wonder Woman #6.

Nelly & The Wonder Race

Age of Empires build a wonder

The Wonder is a civilian building in Age of Empires II that becomes available upon reaching the Imperial Age. In specific game modes, the Wonder grants victory if built and defended for 200 years. Each civilization builds a Wonder of historical relevance and unique appearance. They cannot be converted.


there should be internet video awards, now that MTV awards are morte, dead RIP

1 worker building a wonder is very slow. If Wonder Woman (not Gadot fugazi actress) helps build wonder, the Vth empire will run the World.

1984 Wonder Woman Secret

Psalm 84 is about Moshiach looking down kindly on Israel’s Shield.
any of you Jew broads do a good russian accent and u will tell the truth about Stalingrad in 1942. 42 +42 = 84.

i get beaten by a woman all the time…mother mary is only starting to wake up now to the secrets of the brotherhood. she’s calling all these politicians psychopaths now.

it’s gonna be a woman jude law…that spits that all important sniper psalm about the fountain… The statue is of a circle of six children dancing the khorovod around a crocodile.  u do a anti krokodil ad for the lost russian youth.

SK wouldn’t tell it all and he would erase and burn film the stars didn’t like

women talk about accurately portraying women…u say YP prayers for 2022…that he survives this psych warfare.