how to reproduce. eyes wide shut slavs usually marry their handlers. these pornstar never reproduce. Trump is prime example of the Nicole Kidman movie stepford wife.
christ cross is supposed to protect her.from illuminati rothscar pyramid
Metallica frontman James Hetfield got in touch with Vancouver Island resident Dee Gallant after she used the song ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ to scare mountain lion.
- 1.courageous behavior, especially in battle.”a medal awarded for outstanding gallantry during the raid”synonyms:bravery, braveness, courage, courageousness, valor, pluck, pluckiness, nerve, daring, boldness, fearlessness, dauntlessness, intrepidity, intrepidness, manliness, heroism, doughtiness, stout-heartedness, backbone, spine, spirit, spiritedness, mettle, determination, fortitude; More
- 2.polite attention or respect given by men to women.synonyms:chivalry, chivalrousness, gentlemanliness, courtliness, graciousness, respectfulness, respect, courtesy, courteousness, politeness, good manners, mannerliness, attentiveness, consideration, considerateness, thoughtfulness”she acknowledged his selfless gallantry
Hitler & the Axis fulfilled rothschilds protocol about killing the masons who knew too much. The Axis put them to death in the camps first.
If Rothscar and his pride of International hyenas can get any wild dog bitch with their mark of the beast pyramid scheme money u gotta be a lion of (the junkion trash world – heaps of electronic crap )– Captain Save the Ho zone…rev 16….hated white knight Christ avatar
Hey Jude? u take all your jew gripes to Christus REx…like matt damon gripe in saving private ryan
devil is her card….
chained to that magdelene sheckel
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce. – Karl Marx
play it again sam
we want to teach veronika mk delta…instead of beta sex kitten…let her have a mind of her own/nwo
In 1983 Senator Byrd acted in the capacity of a pimp and prostituted me to then president Ronald Reagan. Reagan was heavily involved in the idea of mind control. And I often heard him say that he believed that the only way to world peace is through mind control of the masses. (Mind Control & Ronald Reagan) Cathy O’Brien
When I was under mind control I was totally robotic. I had no ability to think for myself, no ability to question or reason. I could only do what I was told to. Cathy O’Brien